X-tech entrepreneurship  

The course covers all of the topics contained within a modern investor pitch deck and business plan. X-Tech cover topics related to technology risk mitigation, product/service-systems, pretotyping and MVPs, IPR, financing, value propositions, business modelling, segmentation & market estimation as well as sustainabliltysustainability and the use of SDGs in a startup business model. The cases are submitted by industry, research departments and entrepreneurial students from DTU. The cases are in the form of a patent/technology or a technology related challenge. Every team will be joined by the inventor (project submitter) for the technical development and also a business mentor who will help progres from technology to business. The cases/projects fall into different thematic tracks suitable for all different studylines across DTU. The final deliverable of the course is the business pitch deck and business plan. The course ends with X-Tech Finals where the students make a 4 minute business pitch plus 2 minute tech demo (total time: 6 minutes) in front of your examiners, investors and an audience. There is prototype fund available for each team. There is also a prize fund for the winning teams of X-Tech.
X-tech entrepreneurship

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